


Curriculum Implementation at Woodkirk Academy:

The curriculum at Woodkirk Academy reflects the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility.  It:

  • Enables the sequential and progressive acquisition of knowledge.
  • Ensures equality of opportunity and challenge for all, including disadvantaged students and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • Offers breadth and balance including through qualification and non-qualification learning and experience.
  • Values equally academic, vocational, creative and technical subjects.
  • Promotes the completion of the EBacc subjects to the end of Key Stage 4 for the majority.
  • Prioritises personal development including through extra-curricular opportunities; guidance towards aspirational objectives and destinations; and character development.
  • Recognises the importance of reading fluency and automaticity and supports their development.

The subject offer is broad and balanced.  All students study across the full range of subjects throughout Years 7, 8 and 9.  At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 to 11) the curriculum remains broad and rich, with the offer of over 30 different courses including academic and vocational qualifications.  Key Stage 4 aims to allow students to secure qualifications and experience that will support their ongoing development and progression into further education, employment and training.  All students have access to a full suite of subjects and are guided towards appropriate options based on previous achievement, future aspirations and individual factors. The EBacc subjects are central to the curriculum for the majority of learners because of the fundamental and important knowledge they incorporate.  Great value continues to be placed upon the Arts, technical and vocational learning ensuring students can pursue interests, embrace creativity and are best prepared for future education, employment and training. 

At Key Stage 5, students are able to select study in a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications to suit best their interests, passions and academic strengths.  Students are guided in identifying the most appropriate routes to support aspirational next steps.  Together, the carefully structured general tutorial programme and work experience placements aim to develop exemplary students who take full ownership of their learning and ensure that character is developed, including the independence, resilience and confidence needed to succeed beyond the framework of a school-based education.

At all Key Stages, the curriculum extends well beyond the study towards qualifications.  The Form Tutor Programme supports the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility through a wide range of age specific activities, including citizenship education, careers education and assemblies.

A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities are embraced.  The Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) scheme is well established, with well over 200 students taking part each year, and students are encouraged and supported in signing up for the National Citizen Service.  Woodkirk Academy is committed to ensure that all students, regardless of disadvantage or additional needs are able to benefit from such experiences.

Our timetable is built around 25 lessons each week, with each lesson lasting 60 minutes.  The outline of the school day is detailed below and this is followed on all days.

At all Key Stages the curriculum is regularly reviewed within all departments and across the whole Academy to ensure it is the best, most appropriate curriculum for our students.  We aim to ensure that all students experience an academically rigorous, broad and balanced curriculum offering them the very best opportunities for post-16 or post-18 progression.





Curriculum Implementation at Woodkirk Academy:

The curriculum at Woodkirk Academy reflects the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility.  It:

  • Enables the sequential and progressive acquisition of knowledge.
  • Ensures equality of opportunity and challenge for all, including disadvantaged students and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • Offers breadth and balance including through qualification and non-qualification learning and experience.
  • Values equally academic, vocational, creative and technical subjects.
  • Promotes the completion of the EBacc subjects to the end of Key Stage 4 for the majority.
  • Prioritises personal development including through extra-curricular opportunities; guidance towards aspirational objectives and destinations; and character development.
  • Recognises the importance of reading fluency and automaticity and supports their development.

The subject offer is broad and balanced.  All students study across the full range of subjects throughout Years 7, 8 and 9.  At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 to 11) the curriculum remains broad and rich, with the offer of over 30 different courses including academic and vocational qualifications.  Key Stage 4 aims to allow students to secure qualifications and experience that will support their ongoing development and progression into further education, employment and training.  All students have access to a full suite of subjects and are guided towards appropriate options based on previous achievement, future aspirations and individual factors. The EBacc subjects are central to the curriculum for the majority of learners because of the fundamental and important knowledge they incorporate.  Great value continues to be placed upon the Arts, technical and vocational learning ensuring students can pursue interests, embrace creativity and are best prepared for future education, employment and training. 

At Key Stage 5, students are able to select study in a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications to suit best their interests, passions and academic strengths.  Students are guided in identifying the most appropriate routes to support aspirational next steps.  Together, the carefully structured general tutorial programme and work experience placements aim to develop exemplary students who take full ownership of their learning and ensure that character is developed, including the independence, resilience and confidence needed to succeed beyond the framework of a school-based education.

At all Key Stages, the curriculum extends well beyond the study towards qualifications.  The Form Tutor Programme supports the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility through a wide range of age specific activities, including citizenship education, careers education and assemblies.

A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities are embraced.  The Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) scheme is well established, with well over 200 students taking part each year, and students are encouraged and supported in signing up for the National Citizen Service.  Woodkirk Academy is committed to ensure that all students, regardless of disadvantage or additional needs are able to benefit from such experiences.

Our timetable is built around 25 lessons each week, with each lesson lasting 60 minutes.  The outline of the school day is detailed below and this is followed on all days.

At all Key Stages the curriculum is regularly reviewed within all departments and across the whole Academy to ensure it is the best, most appropriate curriculum for our students.  We aim to ensure that all students experience an academically rigorous, broad and balanced curriculum offering them the very best opportunities for post-16 or post-18 progression.





Curriculum Implementation at Woodkirk Academy:

The curriculum at Woodkirk Academy reflects the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility.  It:

  • Enables the sequential and progressive acquisition of knowledge.
  • Ensures equality of opportunity and challenge for all, including disadvantaged students and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
  • Offers breadth and balance including through qualification and non-qualification learning and experience.
  • Values equally academic, vocational, creative and technical subjects.
  • Promotes the completion of the EBacc subjects to the end of Key Stage 4 for the majority.
  • Prioritises personal development including through extra-curricular opportunities; guidance towards aspirational objectives and destinations; and character development.
  • Recognises the importance of reading fluency and automaticity and supports their development.

The subject offer is broad and balanced.  All students study across the full range of subjects throughout Years 7, 8 and 9.  At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 to 11) the curriculum remains broad and rich, with the offer of over 30 different courses including academic and vocational qualifications.  Key Stage 4 aims to allow students to secure qualifications and experience that will support their ongoing development and progression into further education, employment and training.  All students have access to a full suite of subjects and are guided towards appropriate options based on previous achievement, future aspirations and individual factors. The EBacc subjects are central to the curriculum for the majority of learners because of the fundamental and important knowledge they incorporate.  Great value continues to be placed upon the Arts, technical and vocational learning ensuring students can pursue interests, embrace creativity and are best prepared for future education, employment and training. 

At Key Stage 5, students are able to select study in a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications to suit best their interests, passions and academic strengths.  Students are guided in identifying the most appropriate routes to support aspirational next steps.  Together, the carefully structured general tutorial programme and work experience placements aim to develop exemplary students who take full ownership of their learning and ensure that character is developed, including the independence, resilience and confidence needed to succeed beyond the framework of a school-based education.

At all Key Stages, the curriculum extends well beyond the study towards qualifications.  The Form Tutor Programme supports the values of working hard, acting with kindness and taking responsibility through a wide range of age specific activities, including citizenship education, careers education and assemblies.

A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities are embraced.  The Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) scheme is well established, with well over 200 students taking part each year, and students are encouraged and supported in signing up for the National Citizen Service.  Woodkirk Academy is committed to ensure that all students, regardless of disadvantage or additional needs are able to benefit from such experiences.

Our timetable is built around 25 lessons each week, with each lesson lasting 60 minutes.  The outline of the school day is detailed below and this is followed on all days.

At all Key Stages the curriculum is regularly reviewed within all departments and across the whole Academy to ensure it is the best, most appropriate curriculum for our students.  We aim to ensure that all students experience an academically rigorous, broad and balanced curriculum offering them the very best opportunities for post-16 or post-18 progression.