Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance (CIEAG) are integral to our vision to ‘Be The Best You Can Be.’
We have dedicated careers staff who oversee this guidance and arrange work experience and other enrichment opportunities, including guest speakers from a whole array of professions and sectors. Students can make appointments with the Careers Advisor to discuss their options and opportunities. Parents are welcome to attend these if they wish.
The Careers team can be contacted at or by calling 0113 887 3600.
CIEAG is also embedded across all areas of the curriculum. To find out about how careers is delivered through the different subjects please select the 'Department Careers Information' section on the left hand side of this page.
Woodkirk Academy is proud to hold the Quality in Careers Award (QiCs Award), an excellent achievement and recognition of the schools commitment to the quality and breadth of the careers provision. For more information on this prestigious award, click here.
We are also proud to be involved in the Enterprise Advisor Scheme.
The Sixth Form team offers a fully developed support system for UCAS and apprenticeship applications and can advise on other possible options such as gap year etc.
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance is relevant to all year groups.
Click here for our Careers Education Guidance Overview.
Click here to view the Provider Access Policy Statement.
Click here for a breakdown of our Careers offering per year group.
Click here for the Destinations Data.
In accordance to our Provider Access Policy Statement: other establishments are promoted on our open days page.
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance (CIEAG) are integral to our vision to ‘Be The Best You Can Be.’
We have dedicated careers staff who oversee this guidance and arrange work experience and other enrichment opportunities, including guest speakers from a whole array of professions and sectors. Students can make appointments with the Careers Advisor to discuss their options and opportunities. Parents are welcome to attend these if they wish.
The Careers team can be contacted at or by calling 0113 887 3600.
CIEAG is also embedded across all areas of the curriculum. To find out about how careers is delivered through the different subjects please select the 'Department Careers Information' section on the left hand side of this page.
Woodkirk Academy is proud to hold the Quality in Careers Award (QiCs Award), an excellent achievement and recognition of the schools commitment to the quality and breadth of the careers provision. For more information on this prestigious award, click here.
We are also proud to be involved in the Enterprise Advisor Scheme.
The Sixth Form team offers a fully developed support system for UCAS and apprenticeship applications and can advise on other possible options such as gap year etc.
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance is relevant to all year groups.
Click here for our Careers Education Guidance Overview.
Click here to view the Provider Access Policy Statement.
Click here for a breakdown of our Careers offering per year group.
Click here for the Destinations Data.
In accordance to our Provider Access Policy Statement: other establishments are promoted on our open days page.
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance (CIEAG) are integral to our vision to ‘Be The Best You Can Be.’
We have dedicated careers staff who oversee this guidance and arrange work experience and other enrichment opportunities, including guest speakers from a whole array of professions and sectors. Students can make appointments with the Careers Advisor to discuss their options and opportunities. Parents are welcome to attend these if they wish.
The Careers team can be contacted at or by calling 0113 887 3600.
CIEAG is also embedded across all areas of the curriculum. To find out about how careers is delivered through the different subjects please select the 'Department Careers Information' section on the left hand side of this page.
Woodkirk Academy is proud to hold the Quality in Careers Award (QiCs Award), an excellent achievement and recognition of the schools commitment to the quality and breadth of the careers provision. For more information on this prestigious award, click here.
We are also proud to be involved in the Enterprise Advisor Scheme.
The Sixth Form team offers a fully developed support system for UCAS and apprenticeship applications and can advise on other possible options such as gap year etc.
Careers Information, Education, Advice and Guidance is relevant to all year groups.
Click here for our Careers Education Guidance Overview.
Click here to view the Provider Access Policy Statement.
Click here for a breakdown of our Careers offering per year group.
Click here for the Destinations Data.
In accordance to our Provider Access Policy Statement: other establishments are promoted on our open days page.